I'm alive!! I promise I've been here all along, and no my fingers weren't caught up in an unfortunate smelting accident. I've just been a severely Slack Alice in the blogging department. Due to chemical influences, homesickness, general moodiness and the indecisiveness that is moi, instead of blogging and sharing and being creative, I've been lazing around watching two whole seasons of Gossip Girl and binge drinking. Well, to be fair, I've been binge drinking this whole time. Oh, and cutting my hair of course! It's the shortest it's ever been, including that sad, confusing time of the "Halle Berry" cut in year 7. As my house brother pointed out the other night, I could easily pass for a boy sans makeup and jewellery. Surprising to no one, I like that.
And so here I sit, in my track pants and beanie, at 12:15pm, on a Friday. Do I have a job? Yes, I do. And no, it's not a sex phone operator, though I think I could probably be pretty good at that. I have given up the temping life for full time in the hospitality industry. My co-workers are fantastic, the hours are flexible and it's more interesting than sitting at a desk, willing time to move faster. I've learned a number of new skills, such as how to break down a bar at the end of the night, how to sneakily eat chocolate in the glassy room (that's the room where we keep all the glasses, for those of you not in the know), and how to carry three plates at one time. That last one is a work in progress, but I'm getting there. To sum it up, I'm thrilled with my current employment status. I only wish I'd gone this route earlier in my travels, then I would be writing this from the beach instead of huddled up by a heater for warmth.
What else is new you ask? Well my days in Perth are numbered, I can feel it in my bones. After a rather dramatic conversation with my experienced traveller friend Bobby, I was inspired to make my way to Sydney at some point, and to live and work there until I felt like doing something else; probably returning to my homeland. My previous excuse for not living in Sydney was that it would be 'too hard' to start over, make new friends, learn a new city, etc. Then I realized I was being a massive pussy. If I've learned anything from coming over here it's that as long as you put in some effort, things will always work out. I'm not missing out on amazing Sydney adventures because I'm scared or lazy! Who knows what lies just around the corner?
Apparently I've finally learned to take my own advice, with the Fake It Till You Make It mantra in mind. I feel stronger and more sure of myself than I have in years. I've finally learned to embrace and truly enjoy being single. I am now, however, paranoid of being tricked into a relationship, therefore any and all conversations I happen to have with men when I'm intoxicated and think they are trying to pick me up start with "I don't want a boyfriend!!" which somehow ends up with them talking about their exes, and suddenly I'm nodding sympathetically while wondering in the back of my head how my exes would describe their experiences with me...then I remember I'm drunk, in Australia, talking to a good looking guy, and I decide I don't care. You can fill in the blanks from there, I'm sure.
Anyway it's about time for me to clean the disgusting mess that is my shared bathroom. Patty and Mitch, if you are reading this, you're both gross. Also please don't use my facecloth. I say this with love. And readers, if there are any of you still following my ramblings, I pinky swear that I shall never go this long without posting again! (Cross my heart)