It must be weird to be famous when you're a kid. I used to have a slight obsession/sexual fixation with Justin Bieber. It was creepy, but when he sang so sweetly and looked into the camera, I felt like I was 14 years old again. He just sounded so freaking happy and innocent! Those were good days. But now he's all grown up and he's trying to be a mini Usher (uh, uh, uh, yeah girl). If anything, I just feel sad for him now. Any child star, really. Look how MJ turned out. Genious, but oh so troubled.
This is leading somewhere, I promise. So anyway I was talking about High School Brittany last night, and I was reminded how happy I am that I was an unpopular weirdo. I used to take a marker and go around correcting punctuation on signs in the hall. I used to go through our school's storage shed and take old costumes to wear around. I would spend computer class blogging about my emo long-distance boyfriend. I had partners in these crimes, of course, but the fact remains - I was not one of the cool kids.
It was painful some days. I resented being left out of things, and my disdain grew for the girls who didn't have acne, or didn't let their mom's talk them into getting a perm in grade 10. But I grew up. And I realized one day that I was attractive. I have to say, I did not use my powers for good, at first. I shake my head at 20 year old, recently divorced Brittany. She was a bit of a tyrant. But these days, living in this city in particular, that I appreciate knowing what it's like to be unpopular, to be forgotten. I'm not afraid of it happening now, I know I can deal with it, and that at the end of the day I am just great all on my own.
I worry about my little cousin, who I facebook creep from time to time. She's absolutely gorgeous and I have no idea what's going on in her life. I want to tell her to use her brain instead of her body. That boys her age are all idiots and not to worry about them. That being true to yourself is so much more important than fitting in with your friends. But then I feel like a dork all over again, because aren't those the statements I myself rolled my eyes at when I was her age?
I suppose all I can do at this point in my life - my still very young and relatively inexperienced life - is to lead by example. I'll end with a quote that someone special shared with me recently: "Don't follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail for others to follow."
And now - enjoy some pictures and have a fantastically amazing weekend!

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