Friday, September 7, 2012


Well here we are again, another week has come and gone. It is officially the end of summer because I no longer have Friday afternoons off at work, and I've had to start wearing scarves in the morning because it's chilly out. Rather than dwell on this as a negative I will think about all the things I enjoy about the fall season...

- Vests (I have 2. One is a really terrible white fuzzy thing that all my friends make fun of me for, the other is a beige feathery affair that seems to be acceptable)
- Eggnog (eating healthy be damned. Eggnog is the breast milk of the gods)
- UGGS (it's like my feet are nestled in a wooly cloud)
- not shaving my legs (self explanatory)

I could go on. But let’s sum it up with: I will miss summer, but I’m looking forward to the things to come! One of those things is my mother, who arrives tomorrow. I’m sure that will result in some good writing material for next week.

For now, enjoy these pictures and have a great weekend, wherever you are!

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