Friday, September 14, 2012

High Five Alive

When was the last time you drank 5 Alive? Or Sunny D? I remember being a kid and fighting ceaselessly with my mom that Sunny D actually WAS juice and definitely would not give me ADD or cancer. Well, maybe I didn't use those words exactly. Anyway, it's funny how my tastes are changing as I get older. I used to like Lucky Charms, but now I like asparagus. I used to like Aqua and now I like Florence + The Machine. I used to like chocolate milk and - well, I still like chocolate milk. Now I also like gin. Not with the chocolate milk, that's disgusting. What's wrong with you?

Anyhoo that's about all I have to say on that topic. I guess I've been thinking about age because my mom has been staying with me this past week and the first night when I cooked everyone a delicious salmon dinner she almost fell over, asking when I started to like cooking (as opposed to living off of rice cakes, Cheerios and Kraft Dinner). Also my younger brother has unofficially moved out West to find his fortune in cattle ropin' and panning for gold or something along those lines. It is a great chance for me smother him, I mean to show him how grown up and responsible I have become in order to set a good example. Really though, I'm looking forward to having him around, and I will do my best to show him around the city and let him make his own choices (sigh).

Well that's all from me. Here are my favorite pics o' the week. Don't bother following me on Twitter because I haven't signed on to it in about a month @FrittanyAlexis

If you've been in a coma for the past month and don't get the last picture, please click here:

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