Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Hi-5 STARRING Brittany Munro

Weird confession: sometimes at the end of the work day I look up a movie trailer on YouTube, innocently enough. Then all of a sudden I realize I've spent forty minutes watching trailers for random movies, most of which I'll never actually see. But then something strange happens and as I pack up my Tupperware and put on my walking flats to go home, I start to have imaginary conversations (facial expressions and all) and I can almost hear the soundtrack in the background, as a movie trailer about my life plays in my head. Sometimes I can even make myself cry. I told you it was weird...

So by sometimes I meant this happened yesterday. But instead of snapping out of it and focusing on my exciting evening of going for a jog and changing my nail polish, I couldn't shake the thought. My life as a movie. What parts would I want in it? What could I write out, pretend it had never happened? What parts shouldn't be written out, as much as I'd like to. And the little gnomes in my head worked away. Who knows, maybe someday you will see a feature film about a lanky girl trying to make some sense out of her life (I know, SO original). Anyway, the question that has stuck in my brain as a result of all this is: who would I exclude? Who is just not significant enough to be written in and cast in my life. And if there are people who fit this description, why are they in my actual real life right now? Why are they in yours?

I'm not talking about extras, like the friendly deli counter man who gives me samples of the same kind of ham I always buy. I'm talking about the people we all collect in our lives who simply serve no real purpose. They don't make you a better person, they don't challenge you, they don't make you happy. They're just there. Doing the same things they have always done, and will always do. When do you cut them out? Should you cut them out, or are they contributing in some secret way after all, and would you miss out on something bigger if they weren't there?

I'm feeling pretty rambly today so before I launch into my thoughts on existentialism and time as a non-linear concept, I'll just cut myself off and leave you with my ponderings and, of course, the Hi-5. Happy Weekend to all, and to all a Happy Weekend.


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